Hartmannsberger Franke –
The Boutique Law Firm for Product Liability, Product Compliance and Contractual Liability
Law Firm
Welcome to Hartmannsberger Franke
We offer a comprehensive consulting portfolio with regard to the development, production and distribution of products. This includes the entire regulatory side (product safety, product law) as well as the relevant contractual and liability law components, in particular product liability law. Of course, we also represent your interests vis-à-vis authorities or in court. We cover all legal aspects competently and from a single source. Our partners combine comprehensive expertise and experience from many years of working in renowned international law firms. We support you in Germany and internationally with a network of highly specialized lawyers.

Trust our Competence and Commercial Expertise
We combine experience with state-of-the-art expertise. Laws change, as does case law. New forms of communication and of the exchange of knowledge require legal innovation. Hartmannsberger Franke is always up to date and sometimes even one step ahead.

Here you will find current articles on the topics of product liability, product compliance, trade and distribution, and litigation.
And on all relevant news from our law firm.
Repair Directive Clears Penultimate Hurdle
The European Parliament today adopted the (amended) proposal for a directive on the so-called “right to repair” by 584 votes to 3 with 14 abstentions. Time for a first look at some fundamental changes to the original proposal.
More Regulation instead of Competition: Commission plans Costly System Change of Laws on Advertising with Green Claims – Comments on the Proposal of a Green Claims Directive (Part 2)
Part 2 of our series on the proposed Green Claims Directive. This part deals with the planned requirements regarding eco-labelling and the proposed new preventive control of green claims in the form of a conformity assessment procedure.
More Regulation instead of Competition: Commission plans Costly System Change of Laws on Advertising with Green Claims – Comments on the Proposal of a Green Claims Directive (Part 1)
With its proposal for the Green Claims Directive, the Commission is planning a fundamental system change in the law on advertising with environmental claims and ecolabels. Now there shall be a conformity assessment procedure in advance and various accompanying obligations and powers of authorities to investigate and sanction. As a result, environment-related advertising will become considerably more difficult for companies, or at least very time-consuming and costly. Reason enough to take a closer look. Start of our series on the Green Claims Directive.
Turning point in EU law for genetic engineering in agriculture – liability situation in Germany in urgent need of adjustment
After green genetic engineering had been practically dead in the EU for almost 15 years due to the strict regulatory framework, there are now signs of a fundamental change of dogma at EU level. The proposal for an NGT regulation recently presented by the EU Commission is tantamount to a revolution.