Passion and Competence
for Business
We combine experience with state-of-the-art expertise. Laws change, as does case law. New forms of communication and of the exchange of knowledge require legal innovation. Hartmannsberger Franke is always up to date and sometimes even one step ahead.
Product Liability and
Product Compliance
Compliance with regulatory obligations for the manufacture and distribution of products is an immense challenge for all actors in the supply chain. EU regulation is becoming more and more comprehensive and restrictive. Violations can have very far-reaching consequences in the form of fines, claims under competition law, liability claims or product recalls. We advise you on compliance with legal requirements and on all aspects of product liability law – both preventively with respect to the drafting of contracts and in the event of a crisis. You can also count on us to deal with product safety defects and non-compliance with regulatory requirements. This also includes securing recourse against suppliers and defending against claims for damages from customers. You will benefit from our extensive experience, diligence and foresight.

Trade and Distribution
In the area of trade and distribution, we advise in particular on the drafting and optimization of purchase, sales and distribution agreements and the resulting liability aspects. In addition to our expertise in the law of general terms and conditions (GTC), our specialization in product compliance and product liability plays an important role, for example when it comes to meeting the diverse product law requirements, pitfalls and risks. We also focus on providing support in disputes arising from contracts in or out of court, for example with regard to product defects or contractual liability.
If a dispute cannot be resolved out of court, we represent our clients’ interests before all state courts. We have particular expertise in the areas of product liability and product compliance as well as warranty rights and contractual liability. We are also very experienced in dealing with public authorities and represent our clients in proceedings before public authorities and administrative courts. Preventively, we use our experience from court proceedings when drafting contracts. We know how to prevent conflicts by prudent contract drafting. But when it comes down to it, we stand up for your interests in court proceedings with all our might.

Commercial Administrative Law
If you need support in public building and construction law, environmental law and administrative law, we are the right choice for you. In particular, advice on environmental and building permits is one of our regular activities. In doing so, we can draw on years of experience in dealing with authorities and conducting administrative court proceedings, so that we can achieve the best possible solutions for you both in and out of court.